braces as an adult

Braces as an Adult: Month 4

Braces as an Adult: Month 4 |

Tomorrow marks four months of braces. When I wrote my initial post about braces after month 1, I said that I would put together at least a few more posts about this process. I’m not going to share monthly updates, details about exactly what I’m getting fixed, or lots of before/after photos. But I am putting together periodic updates, talking about what this process is really like as an adult.

I shared more about why I need braces and why I decided to get braces at this point in my life in my initial post. The short of it is that I’ve put off getting braces since HS. I finally took the plunge because I need a night guard and can’t imagine wearing one with the way my teeth fit together right now. At this point in my life, time, budget, and general life circumstances (i.e. not planning to move in the foreseeable future) allow for braces, so I went for it.

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My First Month with Braces as an Adult

First Month with Braces as an Adult |

I’ve mentioned a few times in the past month that I’ve been undergoing a lot of dental work. Since I started this process, I’ve been on the fence about how much I wanted to share publicly. Jake is the only person who knew I was getting braces before I got them. I’ve been telling family and friends as I’ve seen them over the past few weeks. Most people still don’t know, which is fine.

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