This past week our Annie turned 11 months old!
Annie continues to blow us away with her gross motor skills. You have to keep an eye on her everywhere, including the fenced play area, because she’s already trying to climb out of it. Most of the time, Annie still loves the play area and will play so well for minutes on end. But when she’s over it, especially when she thinks that she’s missing out on something with the other kids, she’s trying to climb out of it.
Annie also successfully dove out of the Exer-saucer head first on the middle setting and attempted to dive out on the top setting. So we’re done with the Exer-saucer. When we’re in the yard for extended periods, we put Annie in the pack ‘n play or one of the strollers.
Annie scoots herself along furniture like it’s nothing. When she makes the transition around a corner in the pack ‘n play or play area, she lets go for one or two seconds. You saw in Annie’s ten-month photos that she’ll sit on the push car. The very first time that I put her on the car, she knew exactly what to do. Obviously, it’ll still be a while before Annie is pushing herself all over the place. But she’s already working on it.
Annie says mama and dada all the time and continues to use the words more purposefully each month. Annie also says hi and bye very clearly and again, fairly purposely. One time, she even intentionally said, hi, daddy. Every once in a while, Annie will clearly imitate additional words.
After our annual Wisconsin Dells vacation last month, we transitioned Annie out of her infant car seat. I’m glad that we waited until after the trip so we could have the seat while we were there. But I was so ready to be done with it by the time we got back. Generally, I had Jake help Genevieve in and out of the car, and I took Annie. We had a flight of stairs from our parking lot to our condo and a ton of trips in and out of restaurants, some of which also had stairs. The car seat is so heavy by the time babies are 10 months old.
All of the girls were due for new car seats. We got Annie out of the infant seat first. Then we transitioned Olivia and Genevieve into their new car seats a week later. All three girls have the same converter car seat model that they’ll be able to use the rest of the time that they’re in car seats.
Annie is holding steady in size 3 diapers, size 3 overnight diapers, and a mix of six-month and 6-12 month clothing with a few 3-6 month footless pajamas still in the mix.
This past month Annie has taken off eating and wants to try everything that we eat. Most days, I set her up in her high chair with us for breakfast and dinner and stick to a bottle before lunch. Annie has tried just about everything that I’ve offered her. She’s really liked Hawaiian rolls, salmon, shrimp, hot dogs, baked potato, and graham crackers. Annie also remains a big fan of the baby teether crackers.
Despite the large amount of solid food that Annie eats every day, she hasn’t slowed down on formula much yet. I still make four six-ounce bottles most days. Annie continues to want a bottle first thing in the morning and almost always before naptime and bedtime. Depending on when she last ate solid food, sometimes, I’ll make her four ounces for those bottles.
Annie’s sleep patterns remain the same. Most days, she goes down for one long nap around noon that lasts two or three hours. Then she sleeps through the night from 8 or 9 p.m. to 6 or 7 a.m. Occasionally, Annie needs a bottle in the middle of the night. At least once a week, Annie needs her first bottle before 6 a.m. Generally, she’ll go back to sleep afterward for another hour or so.
You can find all of my baby/toddler updates for all of the kids as well as general family updates and other family-related posts in the family section of the blog.