17 Months of Annie

This past week our Annie turned 17 months old!


Annie finally got in her (delayed) 15-month appointment. At the appointment, she weighed 21 pounds 15 ounces (49th percentile), measured 31 in length (38th percentile), and had a head circumference of 18 inches (57th percentile).

Over the past couple of months, Annie has gone from taking a few steps at a time to running all over the house. Annie still falls down frequently, but her mobility improves every single week. Annie is getting close to doing the shallow steps into our sunken living room independently. Annie’s been comfortable going up the full stairs for months now. She’s just started to get comfortable going down the stairs, too, still completely on her hands and knees.


Annie has been stuck on cutting her fifth tooth for at least a couple of months. That tooth is finally coming in fully. While Annie is still missing quite a few teeth in the front, she’s cut a couple of molars this past month. Annie has had some rough teething days with a lot of general upset. Her nose has been running constantly for the past week. Annie has never been a big fan of traditional teethers. But I did give her frozen corn a couple of times during her last really rough teething day, and it did help a little bit.

Annie continues to love music so much. She gets the Tonie characters going completely on her own. She’s a big fan of all of the books we have that play music. For Christmas, we got Annie a weather-themed music book that includes You Are My Sunshine, which is her current favorite. She’ll play it over and over again. Annie also loves musical instruments. Getting her own musical instruments in Kindermusik classes always makes her so happy. We have quite a few musical instruments at home, and Annie gets them out and plays them often.


Our big milestone this past month for Annie is that we got her off bottles and started her using straw cups in addition to her sippy cups. Once she was ready, the transition went pretty smoothly. Annie still prefers the 10 oz. sippy cups over the 4 oz. cups, especially for milk. But she uses both just fine. Annie has done so well with her straw cups, too.

We ended this past month with Annie with a long weekend at Great Wolf Lodge in Gurnee. We are not planning to take any vacations this next year besides our annual Dells trip and are taking more long weekend trips. The Great Wolf trip was the first one this year.


Annie did so well. We had never even had her in a pool before, let alone a water park. She loved it. Annie had no fear about all of the noise and constantly being at risk of getting splashed or sprayed, even in the little kid areas. She loved playing in the water and wanted to go down the littlest slides with me or Jake over and over again.

As always with trips, sleeping was a little rough. Annie took a long nap one of the two full days that we were there. The other day, she did lie down and rest during nap time (Annie is my only kid who has ever done that). Then she and Genevieve both took shorter naps later in the day. Annie was sleeping in the same area as me and Jake, and she wouldn’t fall asleep until all of the other kids were asleep, and the lights were out. It made for a couple of shorter nights for Annie. She still did really well, all things considered.

Otherwise, at home, Annie’s sleep remained consistent this past month. She sleeps from 7:00 or 8:00 p.m. to 6:00 or 7:00 a.m. Annie still takes one long nap per day, usually from about noon until 2:00 or 3:00 p.m. When Annie has to come with to pick up Tommy from school, I push the nap a little earlier. Otherwise, I wait until she’s ready to go down for a nap, which is a little later some days.


You can find all of my baby/toddler updates for all of the kids as well as general family updates and other family-related posts in the family section of the blog.

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