This past week our Olivia turned three years old.
Here’s to three amazing years with our ever-present helper, Olivia, who fully embraces being both a big sister and a little sister and never turns down an opportunity to eat, sing, or have a dance party. Over this past year, it’s been very fun to watch Olivia progress so much with her skills in music, gymnastics, and most recently, swimming classes. Olivia is always up for the next adventure, whether it’s a walk around the block, an outing to the zoo, or a day trip to Chicago, and she’s constantly looking forward to the next time that she will see her grandparents.
It has been so much for Olivia to navigate starting school and having a new baby sister while growing a ton, transitioning to a toddler bed, and potty training. There have certainly been challenging times. However, we’re extremely proud of how well she’s done with everything and how much she’s grown and progressed this past year.
We will always be so thankful for Olivia’s birth mom who believed that we were the right family to parent not one, but two, of her girls. Giving them the opportunity to grow up together with us is one of the best gifts that I’ve ever been given. Her selfless love and continued support and involvement mean so much to us. We’re also so grateful to be in touch with their half-siblings’ adoptive families and to have their support and involvement as well.
I think that each year with kids goes more quickly and gets more fun. We had a great third year with Olivia and look forward to the next year even more. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for Olivia.
I’ll have a separate post later this week with more details about Olivia’s milestones and other recent happenings.
You can find my baby/toddler updates for all of the kids as well as general family updates and other family-related posts in the family section of the blog.