I’m so excited to announce that my second ebook, Blog Photography Hacks, is now available for pre-order! Reserve your copy on Amazon today to receive in instantly on release day: May 1, 2019.
Create beautiful, magazine-worthy blog shoots without breaking the bank!
I’m a firm believer in developing creative skills wihout a crazy budget or fancy equipment. You can, and should, start improving your blog photos with your current photo equipment and props and backdrops that you already own or can get for next to nothing. Instead of spending a lot of time and effort figuring out what will and won’t work for you, get all of my best blog photography hacks in one affordable resource.
Blog Photography Hacks is a comprehensive, 56-page resource, spanning a wide range of photography blogging hacks!
In Blog Photography Hacks, I cover the following topics:
- Items you already own or can get for free or next to nothing
- The best, inexpensive blog photography backdrops and props to purchase
- DIY blog photography hacks
- Where to purchase blog photography supplies on a limited budget
- General tips for taking better pictures
- How to create affordable natural and artificial lighting setups for gorgeous, bright images
- Shooting in RAW and manual mode
You get the following amazing resources:
- 10 styling supplies you already own or can buy for next to nothing
- More than a dozen $10 and under blog photography backdrops and props
- Simple, actionable tips for putting your new backgrounds and props into use immediately
- Several dozen styled photo examples of free or inexpensive blog photography props and backdrops
- My personal favorite DIY blog photography hacks, including a $1 reflector, an under $100 artificial lighting setup, and multiple free bokeh backgrounds
- The one store you need to start frequenting to find fabulous blog photography props and backdrops for $5 or less
- A wealth of additional in-store and online resources for buying inexpensive blog photography supplies for quick, stress-free shopping
- How to create a low-budget home photography setup that will make anyone think you have a professional photography studio from the photos you produce
- How to shoot and edit in RAW and use the manual mode with ANY camera, including your smartphone, and free editing software
- The one prime lens that will completely change your DSLR photography game (no, it’s not the 50mm f/1.8 and yes, it’s under $200!)
Reserve Blog Photography Hacks today!
Pre-ordering is available through Amazon. Reserve your copy right now for instant delivery on the release date: May 1, 2019.