
Friday Favorites – 10/7/16

Jason M. Peterson Museum of Science and Industry{via}

Jason Peterson knows how to capture perspectives of iconic Chicago locations in a way that I’ve never seen them before. I have driven by this museum dozens of times and seen many images of it over the years, and his image is so different. Also, his recent shot of Michigan City completely blew my mind. Again, he has such a unique perspective on the area.

On the subject of Instagram, I can’t believe that I haven’t talked about Hank and Sully here yet. Hank and Sully are orange tabby brothers who were adopted the same month as Apollo and Ares. For nearly four years, they lived with an elderly kitty named Brawley whom Hank and Sully’s owners took in right after they got married. He crossed the rainbow bridge this summer. A few weeks later, they adopted a gray tabby, Luca, who bonded with Hank and Sully pretty much instantly. I couldn’t have made up a story that mirrors the story of my boys so closely.

Bigelow Raspberry Black Tea. I love ordering raspberry ice tea in restaurants and got inspired to start making it at home after reading a book in which the characters made ice tea all the time. I use two bags for two cups of water and serve it with lots of ice and a little sugar. A couple times I’ve switched it up and used one bag raspberry and one bag vanilla chai, which is also really good. With the chai flavor, you can even add a little milk.

Who else loved making friendship bracelets back in the day? This post makes me want to bust out my embroidery floss stash (yes, I own quite a bit of embroidery floss) and make a whole bunch of bracelets.

As always, Crate and Barrel continues to inspire me with their newest catalog. I absolutely love their new houndstooth prints and hope that they’ll use them for other products in the future.

Chef’s Table: France. I love Chef’s Table, especially the first season. But I think the third season, which is an all-French chef installment, is the best yet. The cinematography of Chef’s Table is unlike anything I’ve seen before, and I absolutely love how there is no set format for the show. So many TV shows are so formulaic. Chef’s Table really lets the chefs dictate each story. Eater has a great article about the second, third, and fourth seasons of the show.

I’ve been hearing so many good things about the new gel nail polish finishes. I picked up the Essie  gel·setter a couple weeks back and have been really happy with it thus far. I get a solid 5-6 days with very minimal, if any, chipping. I would imagine the 2-step systems like Essie Gel Couture do last longer, but I love that I can use the regular gel setter with regular polishes. Until I use up more of my current polishes (which isn’t going to happen in the near future), it doesn’t make sense to invest in a whole new system.

I have wanted a Daniel Wellington watch and a pair of Tieks for over a year. I finally took the plunge last month and got the Winchester Classy 26mm in rose gold (plus another Classy strap for free, thanks to a September promotion) and the cardinal red Tieks. The watch is SO comfortable, like I forget I’m wearing a watch because it’s so comfortable. It’s designed to fit a wide range of wrist sizes so I was little worried about the proportions for my thin wrist, but it’s been great. I also love that you can switch out the straps because inevitably, I will eventually wear out the strap well before I wear out the watch. (Also, I just have to mention that I really wish this blue and orange strap is still available. Alas, it’s not.)

I’ll have a full review of the Tieks later this fall or early in the winter once I’ve had a chance to really put them through their paces (i.e. the upcoming New Orleans trip, a few full nights out in Milwaukee) and can talk about more than their pretty packaging and fabulous construction.

Also, on the subject of shoes, I bought these boots in brown in person. Then I found out they’re also available in black. The same $10 off promotion that I used to buy the first pair was still running…so I ordered them in black, too. I never do that, but I’ve wanted tall lace up boots forever. We haven’t even had a lot of cooler weather yet this fall (not complaining), and I’ve still been able to wear them several times already.

Finally, this photo. No words.

What have you been loving lately?
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Friday Favorites – 10/7/16 Read More »

Friday Favorites – 9/16/16

@jasonmpeterson • Instagram photos


My new bowl from Alisa Burke. I’m not sure where I’m going to display it permanently. For now, it’s hanging out on my kitchen island, and I love seeing it there every day. Also, if you haven’t checked out her free coloring pages, go check them out now. She’s still releasing a new page weekly. Alisa also recently released a new set of for purchase coloring books, which are available over here.

The same day Lindsey Stirling’s new album, Brave Enough, released (obviously, it’s awesome, go check it out), I also started listening to Every Open Eye by Chvrches and Fishing Blues by Atmosphere, both of which are fabulous. I don’t even really know what to say about them, hence I’m mentioning them in a favorites post and not a music-specific post. All of these albums are streaming on Prime so have a listen for yourself.

Dan O’Donnell is my single favorite person to listen to on the radio right now. In addition to news reporting, he fills in regularly for several local shows I listen to, and he also recently got his own podcast. Not surprisingly, he’s had great coverage of the recent Milwaukee rioting (which now has its own Wikipedia page…).

Pexels.com. I am always on the look out for image sites with high quality, free creative commons or other commercial use licensing for my own articles and for clients who want images with articles. For the past four years or so, my go-to sites have been Flickr and Morguefile. Pexels kind of blows everything else I’ve ever found out of the water for both quantity and quality. Recently, I used some of their photos for this new article and this newly overhauled article.

Grammarly. I can’t believe I just started using Grammarly this summer. I should have started using it ages ago. When you write 30,000 words per week, it’s really easy for little mistakes to slip through the cracks. Grammarly helps me correct mistakes on everything from emails to blog posts to client articles. Plus, you get a weekly report with activity, accuracy, and vocabulary with your own stats and a comparison to other Grammarly users (i.e. you were more accurate than 80% of other users). So amazing for grammar nerds like me.

Back in my July favorites post, I mentioned wanting to try making Asian Ramen Noodle Salad and Chopped Brussels Sprouts Salad With Chicken and Walnuts for weekday lunches. Since then, I have made both dishes. The Ramen salad is awesome. The prep is quick, and the flavor just gets better over a few days. The Brussel sprouts salad is solid. The dressing is awesome, delicious and really different. The prep is a little involved. Don’t wait until you’re hungry to start making it. I like Brussel sprouts a lot, but the Brussel sprouts flavor is really strong, even when you cook the sprouts and add the dressing. I think in the future, I would substitute half the Brussel sprouts for cabbage or another vegetable with good crunch and more subtle flavor. Next up, I want to try Lindsay’s garlic herb chicken salad, and I think Heidi’s slow cooker Thai chicken soup will be perfect as the weather gets a little cooler.

For my fellow photo geeks. Hilarious.

Finally, now that we’re back from Montana, we’re planning our next trip: New Orleans! We’ll be there for a short stint this fall for a conference, exclusively or nearly exclusively in the Lower Garden District, Central Business District, and French Quarter. I want your personal recommendations for restaurants, tours, jazz, etc.

What have you been loving lately?
Feel free to leave links in the comments!






Friday Favorites – 9/16/16 Read More »

Friday Favorites 8/5/16

Capilano Suspension Bridge Park


This story. I can’t even think about it too much without getting teary eyed. I am following his Instagram account now, though, and it’s amazing.  Recently I read that Vanilla Ice STILL gets daily tweets with snaps of the A1A because of the reference in Ice Ice Baby. Proof from this account just last month that this is a real thing. Mind blowing.

Alisa Burke has been creating free coloring pages for over a year now. This summer she’s been releasing a new one every week. If you are into the adult coloring trend, check them out. For those who have anxiety about messing up favorite pages from coloring books, you don’t have to stress about Alisa’s pages because you can save and then print them as many times as you like. Also, on the subject of coloring books, did you hear about the new Lisa Frank coloring books?! Too awesome for words.

Some of the most amazing drone footage I’ve ever seen. The music is…a little distracting. If you’re tempted to quit watching the video because of the music, mute it. Make sure to watch all the way to the end because the final footage of star trails is unreal.

These infertility announcements are priceless. I think that cheezy social media announcements are really stupid anyway, but obviously I’ve been really over cheezy pregnancy announcements for a long time…and so have a lot of other people. The “we spent all the dough…still no bun in the oven” is my favorite. On the same subject, this announcement cracks me up, too.

Jake came across Displate recently, and it’s so great. I especially love their minimal movie posters. Eventually we’re going to expand the seating, upgrade the sound system, and add a bar area in our finished basement space. I’ve moved all the art from the finished basement space in our old house to other areas of our new house, leaving the basement a blank slate. We’ve talked about decorating it with movie posters. I haven’t seen anything I’ve liked nearly as much as the minimal movie collection. I haven’t nearly browsed all of them yet, but a few initial favorite include Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, The Italian Job, Casino Royale, and Back to the Future (there are actually multiple minimal Back to the Future designs, and they’re all great). Also, I LOVE the design for Casablanca. I don’t want the theme to be classic movies because I’m not a movie buff so it would feel pretentious, but the Casablanca design is so fabulous.

Many of you know that one of my favorite places in Milwaukee is the VA grounds. I recently learned the Milwaukee Preservation Alliance has a Soldiers Home walking tour app for the grounds. How neat is that? Save the Soldiers Home also has lots of cool photos and historical information.

Getting a new Crate and Barrel catalog in the mail is always a little highlight in the day. I’m flipping out about this colorful kitchen spread in the latest fall preview catalog. I want all of their colorful kitchen items.

We have tickets to see Lindsey Stirling in Milwaukee this fall! I’ve already talked about my love for Lindsey Stirling on this blog and am so excited to see her live. When I was browsing the tour schedule for her new album, I ended up browsing her merch as well. She has a lot of awesome t-shirt designs. I’m still on the fence about whether or not I’ll get one before her concert, but if I do, it will be this one or this one.

What have you been loving lately?
Feel free to leave links in the comments!




Friday Favorites 8/5/16 Read More »

on repeat lately

Rob High Fidelity Headphones

A little taste of what I’ve been listening to lately…over and over again. Check it out!

Radioactive by Lindsey Stirling and Pentatonix (Imagine Dragons Cover) – I’m a huge Lindsey Stirling fan and frequently default to her albums while I’m working. Lately to mix it up a little, I started listening to her YouTube channel. Lindsey has so many fantastic covers, but Radioactive is really ahead of the pack. I absolutely love the string addition to the song, which isn’t a big surprise because I love strings in rock music. Some of the riffs remind me of this song.

I’m not a Pentatonix fan because most of the time, they try way too hard. I don’t like having music shoved in my face. You just want to say, “Hey, you’re really good. Stop trying to prove that and tone it down a little bit.” If they sang like they sing on Radioactive all the time, I would love them. The a capella arrangement adds so much to the song. For me, this is definitely one of those covers that rivals, if not surpasses, the original.

Lane Boy by Twenty One Pilots – In another effort not to exhaust Lindsey Stirling’s albums completely, one day I browsed related suggestions on Amazon for Lindsey Stirling fans and came across Twenty One Pilots.  (Yeah, I know they’re not new…at all.) I’ve been listening to Vessel and Blurryface a lot. Initially my favorite song was Holding On to You, but lately Lane Boy is the one I keep repeating. I think it’s largely because I recently read The Song Machine.

Adele – Hello / Lacrimosa (Mozart) by The Piano Guys – The classical mashup theme continues. (This is one of my absolute favorite bands, remember?) One of my good friends in high school went through a huge obsession with Mozart’s Requiem (yep…). It got me listening to the Requiem a lot. Consequently I still know the piece very well so I sort of geeked out over this mashup. Adele and the Lacrimosa sounds like a terrible combination, but it works so well. Cello fits both melodies wonderfully, and the video is the perfect match for the arrangement with its staggering number of loops. Jake and I got to see The Piano Guys live earlier this year, and they played this song, which was nothing short of amazing, as was the whole show. If you ever have a chance to see them live, don’t miss the opportunity.

Walking in a Circle by Santigold – I checked out Santigold after the lead singer of I’m Not a Pilot mentioned he was a fan and was instantly hooked. Walking in a Circle is from her latest album, 99 Cents, which is just as strong as her first two albums. Typically I listen to the whole album straight through without repeating specific songs or starting at a specific song. So it was hard to pick one favorite to mention here, but I really love the chorus of Walking in a Circle.

Wristband by Paul Simon – I’ve been listening to Paul Simon ever since I was little. You Can Call Me Al is one of my two all-time favorite songs. (The other one is Blackbird by the Beatles). I’m blown away by Paul Simon’s consistent song writing. His newest, Stranger to Stranger, may not have a lot of hits, but he still knows how to write a great song. Normally I don’t gravitate toward the single from an album, but I had to go with Wristband for this post. If you haven’t heard So Beautiful or So What, please give it a listen, too.

What have you been listening to and loving lately? Leave your recommendations in the comments!







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Friday Favorites 7/8/16

Jason Peterson 4th of July 2016{via}

The above shot from Jason Peterson is by far my favorite fireworks photo from the 2016 4th of July (and possibly all previous 4th of Julys). It’s SO DIFFERENT from anything else I’ve ever seen. Who would have thought that a black and white image of fireworks could be so amazing? Plus, Chicago skyscrapers. Always amazing.

Also, on the topic of photography, I LOVE photos that tell a story. Check out The Denizen’s feature on official White House photographer Pete Souza and Photo Collective Studio’s shots from The Bike Prom in Salt Lake City.

I decided to make our powder room Bath, England themed because I recently found an amazing set of Bath postcards I picked up in Bath back in 2000 (I save a lot of postcards), and it seemed to fit that room. Then I picked up this print. I wanted one more wall art piece to complete the space, and I just wasn’t finding anything else I liked on All Posters or Etsy. On a whim, I searched Pinterest and came across this amazing artist. I’ve got a few prints ordered and am so excited to see the room come together.

This article about digital hypocrisy. I could write a whole post about this topic. People frequently underestimate how the behavior that parents and teachers model in front of children is integral to their development. The topic of digital consumption only becomes more and more relevant each year.

Of course I can’t write a favorites post without talking about cats at least once. This comic and this comic are both so true. And does it get any cuter than this photo? Kills me every time.

This has been my go-to appetizer for social gatherings this summer. I’ve already made it twice, and I have the ingredients to make it again tonight. So delicious and so easy.

Finally, also on the topic of food, I have big plans to make these two salads for weekday lunches in the near future: Asian Ramen Noodle Salad and Chopped Brussels Sprouts Salad With Chicken and Walnuts.

What have you been loving lately?
Feel free to leave links in the comments!



Friday Favorites 7/8/16 Read More »