Here’s a little peek at what we were up to in May!
May really kicked my butt. Jake worked all but one weekend, and all three of the kids and I were sick. Tommy ended up missing two days of school with fevers, and all four of us felt low-grade miserable for a couple of weeks this past month.
Before we got sick, we fit in a couple of get togethers with friends. I have zero pictures from either of these happenings. It’s been so nice to see a few more people after a long winter of quarantining with a preemie newborn.
Tommy also ended up playing all of his spring soccer games in May. We had a very wet spring, and the April games got rescheduled for May. So this post will be heavy on the soccer pictures, as the practices and games were a huge part of the month.
With everything going on, we didn’t fit in a lot of outings in May. But while the weather was still lousy, we did get in another trip to the Domes for their spring show.
With Jake working so many weekends, I heavily leaned on family to come to as many games as possible. My parents were also able to make it to a handful of practices as well. I’m so grateful that I had at least one other person with me at every game.
Jake’s little sister was in town late in the month and got to see Tommy’s last soccer game. As she and Jake both played soccer for years, the way they play soccer with Tommy is completely different than the way I play with him ha.
We are so proud of how well Tommy did with soccer this year. It was his first time playing any sport on a team. Quite a few of the spring practices and games were cold, and his team rarely had a lot of subs at games. Tommy did such a good job sticking with it, even when he was tired, and not complaining or whining. It was amazing to watch how many skills and how much confidence Tommy and his teammates gained through just a few months of play.
Now that the weather is getting nicer, we’re taking walks and going to parks as often as possible. It’s so much fun watching Olivia come into her own on the playground.
We went to a members’ appreciation night at the zoo with my in-laws. Everyone had such a good time.
We had some family over for brunch, and Tommy got to work on his baseball skills.
Jake took a long weekend for Memorial Day. It was his only weekend off this month, and we really enjoyed it. On the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, we had a picnic lunch after church and went to the dinosaur museum.
I ended the month with a chiropractor adjustment and a walk along the lake with the girls. I hadn’t been to the chiropractor since well before everything shut down in early 2020. I’ve missed it so much. I feel like a new person.
You can find all of my baby/toddler updates for all three kids as well as general family updates and other family-related posts in the family section of the blog.