One Year of Genevieve

This past week our Genevieve turned one year old.


Here’s to the whirlwind of a first year with our little lady Genevieve. The third child that we never imagined we’d have. The girl who completes our family perfectly. If there’s anything crazier to me that I ended up with a daughter, it’s that I ended up with two daughters. I pray that I have everything that it takes to raise them well.

Genevieve has a classic third child personality and is always up for whatever adventure we’re on any given day. Genevieve is the most content camper hanging out during Tommy and Olivia’s classes and activities and getting passed between grandparents and friends. Tommy and Olivia are both crazy about Genevieve. They all can’t wait until she’s able to participate in their play fully.

Having two babies has certainly been challenging, to say the least. I am super proud for having navigated it as successfully as I have. Being the third child and so close in age to Olivia, I didn’t spend nearly as much one-on-one time with Genevieve as I did with Tommy and Olivia at this age. I’m eternally grateful that Tommy and Olivia love on her so much and that she gets so much time with her grandparents.

We are so thankful every single day for Olivia and Genevieve’s birth mom. I am always in awe of her selfless love, giving us the opportunity to raise two of her babies and to continue to be involved in their lives, watching them grow with us.

Between Genevieve being six weeks premature and her still very much being on the sidelines watching Tommy and Olivia, I feel like we’re just seeing her personality begin to develop. I look forward to watching Genevieve come into her own this year. We look forward to the year ahead and many more beyond that. Happy birthday, Genevieve!


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