The theme of the holiday floral show at the Mitchell Park Domes is a classic: Scrooge. The show takes you through a visual retelling of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, with scenes inspired by each of the ghosts who visit Ebenezer. We see the Ghost of Jacob Marley, Ghost of Christmas Past (the snow queen), Ghost of Christmas Present (a Victorianesque Santa figure), and Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come (eerie bare trees in a graveyard site).
The Christmas Carol scenes are filled out with gorgeous poinsettias in all different shades. The gazebo is decked out in festive garlands and more pots filled with poinsettias and other holiday florals. The floral exhibit is complete with a stunning, gigantic decorated Christmas tree.
As always, one of Tommy’s favorite parts of visiting the Domes these days is operating the wheelchair buttons and running in and out of the Domes. He’s perfected his touchdown dance and would do one almost every time he hit the button all on his own.
I think I could just let him operate the wheelchair buttons and not do anything else at the Domes and he’d be perfectly happy.
Scrooge runs from November 6, 2018-January 6, 2019. It’s a perfect outing for the whole family over the holidays! If you aren’t able to make it to Scrooge, be sure to put the 2019 Domes train show on your calendar. The theme is Miniature Milwaukee this year. It will run January 19-April 7, 2019.
The Mitchell Park Domes are always free on Monday mornings from 9:00 a.m.-noon except major holidays for Milwaukee County residents. Consult the website for more details about current hours, admission, and upcoming special events.
Check out past Mitchell Park Domes special exhibits!
For more local happenings, visit the Milwaukee section of my blog.
Shakespeare in Love Spring Floral Show at the Domes
Shakespeare to Be or Not to Bee Summer Floral Show at the Domes