This past week our Genevieve turned seven months old!
As you’re reading Genevieve’s update, keep in mind that she was born six weeks early and think about her milestones accordingly.
Genevieve has slowly started to hold onto and play with toys with her hands for short periods. She doesn’t reach for toys on her own, but she will play with toys that you hand her.
Genevieve loves the baby gym and kick ‘n play. As she gets more mobile, she’s able to work her way out of them, too. Genevieve also started doing the Exersaucer and Baby Einstein jumper for short periods. I always put a little blanket in the Exersaucer or jumper with her to prop her up, so she doesn’t lean too far forward.
Genevieve will sit up with full assistance for short periods of time. On her own, she lifts her head up and works on rolling from side to side regularly. Genevieve isn’t rolling over or sitting up independently yet.
Geneveive talks all the time now. This past month, her babbling has started sounding a lot more like words than just random baby sounds. We get the occasional babble that really sounds like “mama” or “dada” or another specific word.
I mentioned last month that we’d been transitioning Genevieve away from wearing her swaddle during the day. She’s now wearing it exclusively for naps and nighttime and doing so well going without it the rest of the time.
We finished out the dry formula that Genevieve had been drinking since birth and switched to a new brand. She had zero issues switching formula brands, and honestly, her digestion is better than ever. Genevieve is holding steady at eating six ounces four times per day.
Late in the last month, we finished out the size 2 diapers and moved up to size 3. Genevieve officially beat out both Tommy and Olivia at the age for moving to size 3, which blows my mind. I also have her in size 3 overnight diapers with a liner at night.
Genevieve got lots of time with my in-laws during an excursion to a local farm and on Father’s Day. I’ll share more about these events in Olivia’s update and our monthly family update.
Genevieve was a trooper during our June vacation to the Wisconsin Dells. Unfortunately, she had some of her worst sleep at night, with a lot of four to six a.m. wake up calls for food. Otherwise, she did great, just going with the flow as we went to all sorts of different places. I’ll also be sharing more about our trip in Olivia’s update and our monthly family update.
Aside from the week of our vacation, Genevieve’s sleep hasn’t been too bad lately. Mostly she wants to wake up early, almost always before seven a.m. Genevieve has a pretty good nap routine most days, taking one shorter nap in the morning and one longer nap in the afternoon. I almost always put her down for her longer nap in the afternoon when Olivia takes her nap.
You can find all of my baby/toddler updates for all three kids as well as general family updates and other family-related posts in the family section of the blog.