This past week our Annie turned six months old!
I’ll have new stats for Annie in her next update.
Annie isn’t crawling yet. But for a baby who’s not crawling, she scoots herself on the floor so effectively. Annie can turn herself around and scoot backward. She can’t scoot forward.
Annie continues to enjoy the activity gym and kick ‘n play and will stay in them for short periods of time before scooting out and moving elsewhere in the room. Annie also continues to love tummy time. When she’s on her back, she’s frequently trying to sit up independently. When she’s on her tummy, she’s often doing planks and kicking her legs like crazy. Sometimes we’ll put Annie in her rocker because she needs a break and won’t stop moving on her own.
We introduced Annie to the exersaucer right at the six-month mark. She took to it immediately. Annie is already tall enough for the middle exersaucer height setting. She still loves being on her tummy and scooting all around the floor. But the exersaucer is a good way to mix up the routine for her.
I have very few pictures of Annie out and about with us from the past month. But she does so well with it. Annie continues to love her car seat and winter car seat cover. She’s so smiley when we have her out of the seat. Annie smiles at everyone, including people she doesn’t know.
One of the more random out and about moments with Annie from this past month happened at the dentist. She came with me for Tommy’s appointment. After the hygienist finished, she held Annie while we waited for the dentist. She handed Annie a new toothbrush. Annie knew exactly what to do with it. It took her a few tries, but she got it into her mouth. Annie had never met the hygienist before but enjoyed the whole experience so much.
Over the past couple of months, Annie’s eyes have settled into a blue color. It seems that blue will be her permanent color. Annie was born with very dark hair. Over the past six months, it’s lightened up quite a bit and now has a reddish tint to it.
This past month I transitioned Annie out of her newborn and 0-3 month onesies and footie pajamas. She’s still wearing 0-3 month footless pajamas, pants, and dresses. I added Annie’s 3-6 month clothing into the mix, and she’s wearing both sizes right now. Annie is still wearing size 1 diapers.
In Annie’s five-month update, I wrote about how her eating had stalled out when she was sick. Once she started feeling better, her eating picked up right away. Annie’s eating four or five ounces every two to four hours and going longer stretches at night.
Annie is a champ at holding her own bottle now. I will sit and feed her sometimes, especially first thing in the morning or late at night and always during the night. But she feeds herself the majority of the time.
Annie was so close to sleeping through the night before she got sick last month. Between waking up coughing and/or stuffy and not eating as much, she couldn’t make it through the long night stretch. Most of the past month, Annie was still waking up to eat once at night about once a week. The rest of the time, she sleeps from nine or ten p.m. to five or six a.m. The mornings that Tommy doesn’t have school, usually she’ll go back to sleep for a couple of hours.
When Tommy has school, Annie’s almost always ready for her first nap by mid to late morning. When Tommy doesn’t have school, sometimes she’ll push later. Annie always takes at least two naps per day, one of which is longer, at least two hours. She still does so well sleeping both in the car and in her bassinet.
I started transitioning the older three kids to sleeping in their own rooms at night around six months. I’ve put Annie down for naps in her crib a few times when I knew she’d get woken up in our bedroom. She still needs the baby lounger in the crib to help her settle. But she’s done fine sleeping by herself, which isn’t surprising as she’ll nap for long stretches and go down at night by herself. I’m just not ready to move her to her room at night yet.
You can find all of my baby/toddler updates for all of the kids as well as general family updates and other family-related posts in the family section of the blog.