Facebook Groups for Bloggers: Pinterest Sharing Tips
It’s no secret that Facebook groups for bloggers are an ideal way to increase your exposure while networking with other bloggers. If you aren’t already part of at least a couple of blogging Facebook groups, I highly recommend finding a few to join. Once you’ve joined Facebook groups for bloggers, it’s important to follow the rules (which will vary from one group to the next) and share the best content you can to maximize its reach.
I do participate in several Facebook groups on a daily basis. In these groups, I see a lot of bloggers sharing fabulous pins that I know are going to perform well on a long-term basis. However, also see a lot of bloggers sharing mediocre pins that other group members don’t even want to pin. Steering clear of these common errors and adhering to best Pinterest sharing tips will significantly extend the rich of the blog content you’ve worked so hard to create.
Facebook Groups for Bloggers: Pinterest Sharing TipsRead More »
Facebook Groups for Bloggers: Pinterest Sharing Tips Read More »