I’m not one for a lot of pomp and circumstance. But Tommy’s adoption finalization was sort of a really big deal. While you are waiting six months for finalization, day to day, it doesn’t feel like you’re technically fostering. You’re parenting. But in the larger scheme, it doesn’t feel normal. You have monthly social worker visits, you have restrictions that come with fostering (i.e. travel), and you don’t have a birth certificate or social security card yet. Also, you’ve worked really hard to get there. If you’ve been following our adoption story or know anyone else who has adopted, you know what I mean.
For a lot of reasons, I don’t like to make a lot of big life announcements online, particularly on social media. As such, I didn’t make a Facebook finalization announcement. Thus far, with the exception of one photo I leaked on this blog, I’ve been sharing the finalization pictures with a very select number of people, primarily those who were actually there.
But I wanted to share the finalization photos here because again, it’s a big deal, and I know that people want to know how our story turns out. Whether you know me in person and have been following our journey of growing our family or you came across my blog to read our adoption story, you want to know the ending. I totally get it. While Tommy’s finalization is far from the end of anything, it is a big milestone.
Thanks to Melissa of Melissa Morgan Photography who took all of the pictures featured in this post.
Again, Melissa of Melissa Morgan Photography took our adoption finalization pictures. I am so happy with them and really enjoyed working with Melissa. If you live in the greater Milwaukee area, I can’t recommend her enough.
Head to the adoption section of my blog for some of Tommy’s back story. You’ll find all of my Tommy updates and baby recommendations in the family section.
We owe a huge thank you to everyone who has been praying for us through seven years of growing our family. I truly believe that we wouldn’t be here today without these prayers. Please continue to pray for us in our journey of parenthood and as we re-enter the adoption waiting pool for baby #2 in July 2018.
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ So happy for you all!
Congratulations to you and your entire family on Tommy’s adoption finalization. These photos tell a wonderful story. Good luck to you and Jake as you continue your journey in preparation for adoption of Baby #2. I am so happy for you!
This is so heartwarming and wonderful! I love it! Thanks for sharing this important event in your lives. prayers and blessings as you all move forward.