This past week, our Annie turned one year old!
I wrote a separate short post for Annie’s 1st birthday. Today, I’m sharing her regular monthly update. At her one-year doctor’s appointment, Annie weighed 20 pounds 2 ounces (52nd percentile), measured 29 inches in length (40th percentile), and had a head circumference of 17 3/4 inches (49th percentile).
With Annie being such an early crawler, I wouldn’t have been surprised if she was walking before she turned one. But she isn’t. Annie is as fast a crawler as ever and will cruise on any piece of furniture. Every once in a while, she’ll let go for one or two seconds. But Annie isn’t consistently letting go yet or taking steps. She is an amazing crawler and gets up the stairs so quickly. We have to keep an eye on her all the time when she’s out of her play area or pack ‘n play, or we’re at a house without gates.
Thankfully, Annie remains a very happy camper in her pack ‘n play or play area. When she’s in the right mood, Annie will play with her toys for an hour at a time. Annie especially enjoys musical instruments and magnetic blocks. Recently, I gave her an empty peanut butter pretzel plastic container. She loves using it as a drum and putting toys in it and then taking them out again. Annie has also just started to initiate playing peek-a-boo and loves using a napkin or silk scarf to play with someone.
This past month, Annie finally started cutting her first tooth, one of the bottom middle teeth. She had a couple of weeks of the usual runny noses and extra loose, extra-smelly diapers. Although it’s taken forever for the tooth to come in fully, the worst of the symptoms have not lasted for the duration. I’m always amazed at how much food Annie can chew through with just one tooth.
Annie has done so well eating solid food this past month. Most days, I have her eat breakfast and dinner with us and just give her a bottle at lunchtime. Sometimes when the kids want a big snack in the afternoon, I’ll have her eat solid food then, too. Annie remains crazy about graham crackers. I can always give her a couple of small graham cracker rectangles while I get the rest of her food ready, and it makes her so happy. Annie also loves cheese, breakfast sausage, Hawaiian rolls, hot dogs, meatballs, blueberries, grapes, and calzones.
Annie topped out at eating six ounces of formula at a time. We were still running out our formula supply right up until her birthday and introduced whole milk a day or two after she turned one year old. I’ll talk more about this transition in her next update.
Annie is mostly wearing 6-12 month clothing right now. I’m due to go through all of the kids’ clothing and will make it a priority as we transition into a new season. I still have a lot of 3-6 month clothing in her drawers and need to move it all out and start moving in 12-month clothing that she’ll be able to wear through the fall. Annie doesn’t want to keep the Zutano snap booties on anymore. But she does a great job wearing socks on cooler days and when we’re at places that require them, such as indoor play spaces.
Annie has been holding steady with taking one nap per day. I’ll put her down anywhere between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Most days, she sleeps close to three hours, sometimes even longer. Annie goes down for the night between 7 and 8 p.m. and sleeps until 6 or 7 a.m. Most of the time, she sleeps straight through the night. Every once in a while, she still wakes up wanting a bottle.
You can find all of my baby/toddler updates for all of the kids as well as general family updates and other family-related posts in the family section of the blog.