14 Months of Annie

This past week our Annie turned 14 months old!


Annie has said some of the most random words this past month. One time, when I was changing her diaper, she grabbed socks out of the top dresser drawer, said “socks” several times, and held them up to her feet. Of course, Annie still didn’t keep them on for very long, but I loved that level of understanding. Annie has also been saying “thank you” completely unprompted. She doesn’t say it consistently but does say it intentionally. On occasion, Annie will say her own name. Again, she doesn’t say it consistently, but it’s very clear and intentional.

Annie talks all the time now. It’s mostly nonsense words with a lot of “mama” and a fair amount of “dada” in the mix. I love hearing her talk all on her own while she’s playing.


Annie has started letting go and standing independently. She’ll still only stand for a few seconds at a time and isn’t taking steps yet. Annie continues to get more confident in her cruising and in her abilities while standing, such as drinking from her bottle one-handed and navigating the playhouse door.

It took Annie at least a full month and a half to get her top two front teeth. She has had a lot of runny noses from it, but thankfully, no bad teething diapers. Annie’s nose has gotten really runny again the past week, but she’s not cutting a new tooth yet.


Annie’s hair continues to grow like crazy. She will still wear a bow occasionally. I’ve done a few more top ponytails to keep her hair out of her face. Annie doesn’t love me putting her hair up but is fine once the ponytail is in place.

The weather has been amazing through so much of September and October. We’ve spent a ton of time in the backyard. Annie will spend 30 minutes at a stretch putting rocks in a bucket and taking them out again or playing in the Cozy Coupe. When the Cozy Coupe is on the grass, she can use her feet to push it backward. Annie also loves the push car and playing in the play house. At this age, it’s always a challenge keeping Annie from putting rocks in her mouth. Otherwise, she does so well outside.


This past month the kids took Annie on her first wagon ride in the yard. We inherited the wagon when Tommy was under two years old. It’s been a staple of back yard play ever since. Annie doesn’t want a ton of wagon rides yet. But she loves climbing in and out of the wagon herself and lets us pull her around on occasion.

Annie has had another great month of eating. She eats breakfast and dinner in her high chair with us. It just depends on the schedule on any given day if I have her eat lunch or put her down with a bottle and feed her when she gets up. I’ve worked hard to cut back Annie’s milk this past month, which is so challenging. She can still take down three to five ounces at a time almost any time of the day. I always give Annie water from a sippy cup in her high chair and keep a bottle with water when we’re out. I still bring milk along for longer outings, but again, I’m trying to cut back.


Annie is wearing a mix of of 6-12 month, 9-month, and 12-month tops, pajamas, one-piece outfits, and dresses and 6-12 month and 9-month pants. As we’ve had so much continued warm weather, and Annie doesn’t need 12-month pants yet, I still haven’t switched in all of the 12-month clothes.

Annie has had a little trouble going to sleep at night. Sometimes, it’s because Olivia and Genevieve are riled up and not going to sleep. But sometimes, it’s all on her own. I’ve only had to get her up again and keep her with me for an extra half hour one time before she would settle. There have also been a handful of times that Annie has needed her first bottle before 6 a.m. Generally, if she has her first bottle before 6 a.m., she’ll sleep for another hour or two afterward.

For the most part, Annie has still done pretty well napping at home for at least two hours in the early afternoon. If she only car naps for one or two days, she’ll make up for it the next day at home with a three- or four-hour nap. Annie is having more trouble transferring when she falls asleep in the car. There have also been a few times when Annie fell asleep for 20 or 30 minutes in the car early in the day and then didn’t want to nap again at home. Tommy’s school schedule and the older three kids’ activities make it so hard to have her home at her ideal nap time without a car nap first every single day. I just keep trying to get her as much nap time each day as I can.


You can find all of my baby/toddler updates for all of the kids as well as general family updates and other family-related posts in the family section of the blog.

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