Learning how to clean a glass shower the easy way with the right tips and products makes this dreaded chore a breeze!
How to clean a glass shower doesn’t seem like a very exciting topic. However, if you’ve ever spent hours scrubbing shower walls in vain to remove mold or hard water spots, you know how important it is to find the right cleaning tips. With the proper advice and tools, you can turn backbreaking scrubbing into a simple cleaning process.
Cleaning the shower is one of my least favorite chores. I would rather clean any other part of the bathroom twice than tackle the shower once. Consequently, in the past, I’ve been pretty lazy about it. When we moved to our current house, I knew that I had to step up my game. Our master shower has two glass walls and a glass door. Thankfully the previous owners took great care of the shower. I did not have to deal with years of built up hard water stains and soap scum before starting a regular cleaning routine. (To those who have dealt with or are currently facing these issues, I’m so sorry.) But I knew that it would be important to clean the shower regularly to keep it in top condition.
The following details the simple steps I follow daily and weekly to maintain a beautiful glass shower free of streaks, hard water stains, soap scum, and mold.
Step 1: Use a squeegee daily
The less water is left on glass following a shower, the less water dries on the glass, simplifying the cleaning job. Taking one minute to squeegee the glass after a shower makes a huge difference in the overall condition of the glass. No, we don’t squeegee after every single shower, but I try to use the squeegee at least once a day. Depending on the number of showers taken daily in your glass shower, you may need to use it multiple times per day. You can pick up a squeegee at any big box store or save yourself the hassle and order on from Amazon. I use the plastic one I linked there. I’ve also gotten great feedback from multiple readers about the stainless steel version.
Step 2: Leave the shower door open and run the fan following showers daily
Leaving the shower door open and running the bathroom fan immediately following a shower helps to further reduce the amount of water left in the shower, minimizing mold growth and simplifying the cleaning job. I leave the shower door open while I finish getting ready in the bathroom. Even with an open top shower, water still dries on the door and gets trapped in and around the base of the door. Leaving the door open minimizes these issues. If I run the fan, I run it once I’m out of the bathroom because it’s pretty noisy. If you don’t mind leaving the fan running while you’re taking a shower or immediately afterward, let it run.
Step 3: Spray a no-scrub shower cleaner in the bottom of the shower daily
The no scrub shower spray (I buy it at Target) is more for preventing mold growth on the tile than glass but is still key for the overall cleaning process. I’ve been using a no scrub spray since my college days when I had a lot of gross roommates who didn’t want to clean anything ever in an effort to keep the shower tolerable. It’s simple, inexpensive, and effective. I spray it once I’m finished getting ready and am going to shut the shower door. Sometimes the cats check out the shower while it’s still wet, and I don’t want them getting into it. If you don’t have this issue, you can spray it whenever.
Step 4: Clean the inside of the shower with a Dawn/vinegar mix weekly
The Dawn/vinegar mix is the heart of my shower cleaning routine and really the reason for this post because it has changed my entire outlook on cleaning a shower or tub. It sounds dramatic, I know, but a dreaded chore becoming an easy chore is huge. I did a lot of research about varying glass shower cleaning solutions and ended up settling on equal parts Dawn and vinegar.
I use a spray bottle for the majority of the job and a soap filled sponge (again, pick one up at Target) for the edges and any problem areas (i.e., spots prone to getting stubborn hard water stains). Simply fill up the spray bottle and sponge with equal parts Dawn and vinegar and apply the solution. Once you’ve applied the solution to the entire shower, let it sit for a couple of minutes. Then use the handheld shower head to rinse down the shower. I lay down a couple of towels on the bathroom floor before rinsing in case some water leaks out around the door. That’s it! You don’t have to do any scrubbing whatsoever.
Dawn mixed with vinegar smells pretty strong. If you don’t like a powerful vinegar smell, you can mix in a few drops of essential oil. Some people complain about this solution because Dawn is one of the more expensive dish soaps. First, Dawn is one of my all-time favorite products. Yes, it is more expensive, but it’s worth every penny. Second, unless you’re cleaning multiple showers or tubs daily, you don’t use that much solution. For the level of effectiveness with no scrubbing and the fact that it gets the job done with no chemicals, again, it’s worth it.
I love the Dawn/vinegar solution and use it for the master bathroom tub and guest bathroom tub as well. Simply spray on the solution, let it sit for a couple of minutes, and then rinse the tub thoroughly. Typically I use a large plastic cup for the rinsing. If you have a handheld shower head, you can always use it to rinse a tub, too.
Step 5: Clean the outside of the shower with Windex weekly
To clean the outside of the shower, I use regular Windex. I think that it works perfectly and doesn’t leave any streaks. If you want to use a natural solution, there are lots of options available. Simply search “natural glass shower cleaner” on Pinterest. I love the idea of using natural cleaning products whenever possible, but until I use up my current Windex supply, I’m sticking with it.
Finally, if mold growth does occur in the shower, I tackle it with RMR-86 Instant Mold Stain & Mildew Stain Remover. I could do commercials for this product. There is nothing else I have ever used that wipes out mold like RMR-86. I recommend spraying it and running the bathroom fan for about 10 minutes before rinsing it thoroughly.
I know that it seems like a lot of steps. Once you get into the routine, you can complete the daily tasks in under two minutes and the weekly tasks in under 10 minutes.
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Do you have any tips on how to clean a glass shower?
I’d love to hear about your favorite cleaning hacks!
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My parents have a glass shower and they use the squeegee and spray daily as well.
I just cleaned our shower last week and I agree…it’s the worst task! I’ll definitely give the Dawn and vinegar a try next time.
All you have to do is treat the glass with rainX every few months and you’ll never have this problem. RainX now has a product for shower doors, but I always just use the product for the car, it’s less expensive.
I have used RainX on exterior windows and like it but don’t love it. I’d be hesitant to use it on an interior glass feature.
RainX is too hard to polish streak free. A car wash guy told me they use very hot water with it to make it work. I will never use it again.
So get the one that’s made to put in ur windshield wiper fluid! Didn’t have a problem with streaks!
Thanks for your input! Personally, I don’t love RainX and don’t recommend it for use on interior glass.
Agreed! I use rainx
Thanks for your input! Personally, I don’t love RainX and don’t recommend it for use on interior glass.
It’s really the best product for this use. Rinse well and there’s no problem with streaking. You can buy specialty marine products but RainX is fine. As a professional cleaner I personally don’t ever use windex as it is notorious for streaking. But to each his own. My clients pay a lot of money and have high expectations so I don’t take chances on products that don’t work. I generally clean about 10 to 15 glass showers a day so I don’t have time for anything that doesn’t do the job.
I appreciate the input on this topic. I have tried RainX and don’t recommend it personally.
Although I don’t have a Glass Shower – just your basic tile’s, but love the Dawn and Vinegar idea. Having both on hand – I am going to definitely try that.
I am one who feels that a clean kitchen and clean bathroom says a lot about a person! Thanks for the great tips – vinegar and newspaper is a great “old fashion” way to greatly clean windows – even beats Windex!
Great tips!
We have a glass shower too. We need to use the squeegee after every shower plus I use a spray on the glass. I don’t like this chore either…
What do you use when you have a marble shower? You cannot use vinegar or anything acidic; not even Windex! No lemons, nothing commercial. I scrub my marble with a scrubby as above using Dawn but it does not come clean. I squeegee daily and the glass looks pretty good but I have hard water and I know it can look better. Any suggestions?
Unfortunately, I don’t know. 🙁 Good luck!
Maybe try Young Living essential oil called Thieves cleaner.
I don’t use Young Living products personally, but I know a lot of people who use Thieves to clean everything!
Spray just a little furniture polish on the glass inside and buff off with a soft cloth. It will take off water marks and repels water.
We had the same issue, and we decided to softening our water! It removes calcium, magnesium, is more compatible with soap so better lathering, and it extends the lifetime of your plumbing!
Use a dryer sheet on the glass to remove hard water stains then rinse with water. No scrubbing! It was a game changer for me, especially after hours of scrubbing, magic erasers etc.
Love this tip! Thanks!
Thanks for the tip I will have to try. I didn’t have glass doors growing up and as an adult I don’t but I’m now working cleaning people home and have come across lots of glass showers and they are the death of me. But I’m gonna try this out and hope it says me 45 mins if scrubbing ?
Best of luck!!
Spray just a little furniture polish on the inside glass and buff off with a soft cloth. Removes build-up and water runs off better. Clean outside glass with a mixture of water and alcohol. Also does great on mirrors and windows.
Thanks for the tips, Jenny!
I use dawn & vinegar in a spray bottle. I don’t follow their receipe ~~I fill a spray bottle 3/4 full with vinegar, completely fill with water & squirt a few drops of DAWN BLUE DISH DETERGENT~~just enough dawn to turn the contents *LIGHT* blue. I spay tub & shower after each use& spray doors & glass shower tracks. I don’t rinse. I also spray this inside of the toilet in all bathrooms once a day & it helps keep the toilets cleaner. Has kept my 40 year old *melmac* (not what it actually is BUT that’s what I call it). This mix keeps the shower clean & mold free!,, I also keep a spray bottle of this in the kitchen. I have black appliances. I spray them & clean & wipe dry with this mixture. Works wonders!! Also I keep a spray bottle full of white vinegar to use as window cleaner. Windex & Glass Plus doesnt work well any more. It will take a few cleanings with vinegar to get the scum off BUT after that you will have beautifully clean glass!,
Forgot to say spray appliances & wipe with paper towels – they will be streak free & CLEAN
Thanks so much! I appreciate the additional tips!
I have had a housekeeper come twice a month….just to “catch me up”. 😉 They use magic erasers (well, I buy the Dollar Tree brand…there are 2 and sometimes 3 in a box for a dollar) on my clear glass shower door and scrubbing bubbles. So now, I do that too…..it is really fast.
Good to know the magic erasers work well, too! Thanks for sharing!
Car wax used after cleaning will also help keep it sparkling clean.
Awesome, thanks for the tip!
That is such a good idea! I don’t have a glass shower but if I get one eventually I will know what to do!
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If you have marble in your shower the Vinegar-Dawn mixture will dull the finish. Great on glass doors, but be careful with it on the marble.
Thanks for the tip!
thank you thank you! i have been looking for this! i am going to pick up the spray and make the dawn and vinegar mix to try out! i cannot get the soap scum off our shower!
Your shower and bathtub set up looks almost identical to ours! We just moved into our home a few months ago, and the previous owners kept the home, especially the bathroom, in great shape. However, even though I clean weekly (pretty similar to your cleaning list), I’m finding orange on the caulking on the bottom of the shower (where the tile meeets the fiberglass floor), and also what appears to be rust in the metal crack of the door. I really want to clean and maintain these problems. Do you have any experience with it and tips on how to handle it?
I am so happy to have found you! I too find cleaning the shower to be my least favorite chore but your steps are nail on. Thank you!!! I have been using your shower glass cleaning directions for nearly a year now – since we remodeled the bathroom and opt for a shower glass. So sorry that I didn’t find the time to post a thank you note sooner! Better late then never, right?! 🙂
I am SO glad to hear it!!
After you squeegee, dry shower with towel after you dry off. Your right the warm moisture is the culprit to shower issues. The last one out has to be the dryer.. I also got the water conditioner/softener. World of difference.
I too use this formula but I heat the cup of vinegar for 2 minutes and then add Dawn. I don’t use the original Dawn but a more Ultra version so I cut amount in half. It literally melts off scrum and the water and soap just slide off the glass. Heating is the secret!
Thanks for the tip!!
I have found that using liquid shower gel instead of bar soap leaves a lot less residue! The difference is amazing.
Thanks for the tip!
Try Mr.Clean erasers on your glass showers.
Thanks for the tip!
I’m sure the Dawn and Vinegar work great but if your tile has been sealed with a grout sealer, the vinegar will remove the sealer. It’s best to use a ph neutral cleaner sold in most tile stores. Vinegar cleans tile very well, but it’s not good for the grout. I squeegee after every shower and run my fan and leave the door open. I also use the magic eraser on the glass. It works better than anything!!!!!
Thanks for the tips!
I clean my glass doors & shower with Simple Green. I spray it & leave about 10-15 min. Just take a sponge & wipe it down. Best product I have ever used .
Works great on my stove top also- cuts the grease. Again spray then l leave a few minutes. Wipe with wet dishrag then dry fiber cloth. Shines like new.
Thanks for the tip!
I use turtle wax ( car wax) on the glass doors of the guest shower a thin coat once a month protects the glass from hard water spots if your guests forget to use a squeegie
Thanks for the tip!
I use a marigold squeaky clean microfibre cloth … it’s kind of rubbery. I use this instead of a squeegee after each shower and don’t clean the glass for weeks , I also use it to clean the taps and shower .
Great tip, thanks!
There is a towel called Nano Towels I bought off a Facebook ad. It totallly cleans without any chemicals and does a wonderful job on the glass shower, mirrors, windows. No streaks! I am very sensitive to chemicals and this works like magic
Thanks for the tip!
Very great….i must try dawn/vinegar but if ur in a hurry scrubbing bubbles works pretty good but i love the no harsh chemicals and i am going to try ur solution. Thanks for sharing
All of this is not necessary if you use Nano coating on the glass panels. You can buy it on Amazon. Water just slides down and dries spotless!
I’m not familiar with Nano coating. Thanks for the information!
I like to also use bounce dryer sheets. Wet them just like a cloth. Wipe the entire shower, rinse, and squeegee. Done!
Thanks for the great tip!
I also use vinegar and washing liquid,works every time
So glad to hear it!
I appropriated your post. I have been searching for long time as like your post. Your post is very important for clean a glass shower. Thank you for your information.
Thanks for the great tips. I’ve tried dish liquid and vinegar. Dont know where i can find Dawn. I am struggling to get water marks off my glass shower.
You can order Dawn directly from Amazon or Target!
Wonderful idea that really works! We have well water that’s rather hard leaving scum on shower walls that’s hard to remove. I spray daily and squeegee. Looks like new!
That’s great!
Try using Rainex windshield window spray on the shower door
As I’ve mentioned in previous comments, I’ve used RainX on my car and exterior home windows. It’s okay, but I don’t love it. Personally, I don’t recommend it for interior glass use.
What kind of vinegar apple vinegar or white vinegar
White vinegar!
I have beautiful wood furniture from the Amish store. They told me to only use Windex with Vinegar and nothing else! Not Pledge or wax, only Windex w/ Vinegar. So I started using it on everything, appliances, windows, and yes..shower doors. Absolutely love it! I also wipe down my glass with micro fiber cloths.
Great tips! Thanks!
Bon Ami works well on cleaning glass shower doors, too.
Thanks for the tip!
That’s good to know that you should clean the shower with a mix of soap and vinegar once a week. I didn’t know that those two would be good together for cleaning. I also didn’t know that vinegar is good for cleaning at all. That’s interesting that it has other uses than the ones I’m familiar with.
Yes, vinegar is a great cleaning product!
What do you use for cleaning the rubber around the bottom of a frameless glass door?
The rubber piece at the bottom of my glass shower door is removable. I take it off and spray it down with the RMR-86 mold remover that I link in this post. If you can’t remove the rubber, I would simply spray it.
My grout is disappearing and I need to regrout. I understand that grout is alkaline and vinegar is acid. When combine they can deteriorate the grout and any natural stone. Mr. Clean I’ve read is alkaline based so would be safer on my grout. I’m going to give that a try with my new grout job. I’m also going to make sure I seal my grout more often!
I faithfully use dawn and vinegar and its the best cleaner i ever used for all types of surfaces
I’m so glad to hear it!
Thank you for your tip on using Windex to clean the outside of your glass shower, because it doesn’t leave any streaks. I’ve been thinking about having a glass shower installed in my bathroom, and am wondering how to keep it clean. I will definitely keep all of your great tips and information in mind if I do end up getting a glass shower.
I’m so glad my tips are helpful for you! Best of luck with your decision.
For the shower floor, spray with a 50/50 mix of water and bleach. Leave for at least 30 minutes and rinse off with shower head
I appreciate the tip! I use RMR-86 mold remover for all of the non-glass elements of my shower and personally prefer it over all other products and cleaning methods.
I like that you mentioned that you can use a spray bottle to clean glass. I want to be able to have a better-looking home. I will make sure I remodel and follow your tips to keep the glass clean.
I’m so glad to hear it! Best of luck to you.
I’m glad you talked about minimizing mold growth in your shower. Leaving the door open and the fan running isn’t a hard way to do that, either. I’ll make sure our shower stays dry for the most part so that I don’t have to worry about mold.
I like how you talked about how you can mix in a few drops of essential oils with dawn in order to clean the glass doors. My shower doors have been in need of a replacement since the one has a chip in it. I will use these cleaning tips once I get new shower doors from a professional.
Thanks! Essential oils are a great way to cut the vinegar smell a bit. I’m glad that these cleaning tips are helpful for you!
I like that you said that in order to maintain your glass shower doors clean you need to make sure you dried up all the water left in your glass doors after a shower. My wife said that she wants to have glass shower doors in our bathroom. I’m going to let her know that she has to make sure to keep them clean to avoid shower scums on them.
I’m glad you explained the benefits of using a squeegee every day. I want to modernize my bathroom by having glass shower doors installed. Thanks for teaching me some easy ways to keep the glass shower doors looking good!
Marble is essentially a limestone, so you should exercise caution to use pH neutral products. It has a high pH naturally, so using an acidic solution would be harmful. Test a mild baking soda solution on an inconspicuous spot to see how it works, as that would be the closest match to the marbles natural pH.
Okay, good info for those who have marble showers! Thanks!
I like this idea. I use oil on my bathroom faucet I forget the type it leaves water dry water marks if I don’t making it look dirty and gross.
Can anyone give me advice on cleaning my shower track that has calcium build-up in between the tracks and doors. I’ve used everything I can and doesn’t seem to budge.
Love the tip about the dryer sheets. I’ve never tried that. We have hard water & just moved. I noticed a few streaks on the shower door – will get some dryer sheets!!
Good luck with it!!
We squeege once a day and I clean once a week with cleaning vinegar.
Question re: vinegar/dawn solution…do you use this on the inside of your glass doors as well? Also, my dawn/vinegar solution didn’t really spray that well. I had to wipe it over the tile for it to work. Did I do something wrong (or is it supposed to just drip down the sides of the tile) Thx in advance!
I do use it on the inside of the glass doors. I’m sorry that the Dawn/vinegar solution didn’t spray that well for you. It may have as much to do with the spray bottle you’re using or how the flow was set on the bottle as the solution itself. The ratio of Dawn to vinegar can affect how it sprays as well.
Thanks so much for your response! I’ll check the flow adjustment on my spray bottle. After using the dawn/vinegar mixture on the glass door, do you follow up with glass cleaner?
Absolutely! I hope that helps. I use Dawn/vinegar on the inside and then glass cleaner on the outside.
I squeege, then use white eraser to get grime off glass. Works better than anything else and less scrubbing.
Thanks for the tip!
Hi Rose
My go-to for mould is 3 drops of clove oil in a water filled pistol grip sprayer. It’s a tip from Speed Cleaning, a book published by a stain removing guru here in Australia, Shannon Lush. The clove oil keeps the mould at bay for a very long time.
I appreciate the input!
Why don’t you just try Lime A-Way! Wipe it down and rinse! Just one supper easy step! Walmart carries it!
I’m not familiar with Lime-A-Way, but I appreciate the suggestion!