Adult Braces: The Beginning of the End
Yes, just shy of 26 months into my braces as an adult journey for you, I finally have some really good news: an end date!
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Yes, just shy of 26 months into my braces as an adult journey for you, I finally have some really good news: an end date!
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Yep, it’s month 23 of my braces as an adult journey. Actually, I’m just a couple of weeks shy of two full years. Spoiler alert: it will be two years before I have my braces off and well past it before I’m “done” – new impressions, retainer fitting, etc. I reached an officially #overit point back in December. I don’t really have words to express where I’m at right now.
Braces as an Adult: Month 23 Read More »
As of November 7, I’m 20 months into my braces journey. As my initial time frame was 18 months, I’m beyond ready to be done. Spoiler alert: I still have a ways to go. So I’m still plugging away, enduring braces one day at a time and checking in here with occasional updates for you.
Braces as an Adult: Month 20 Read More »
As of July 7, I’m 16 months into my braces journey. 16 months into this crazy process, I can honestly say that I’m not counting the months so closely anymore. Initially when I started this process, the orthodontist estimated 18 months. Spoiler alert: there is no way that I will be done in two months. No one ever wants to talk about much past the next appointment. As such, I don’t really know how much longer I’ll have braces. But I keep making progress, so I’m just trying to go with the flow.
Braces as an Adult: Month 16 Read More »
As of April 7, I’m 13 months into my braces journey. (As always, it’s not like I’m keeping track or anything.) If things keep moving on schedule (it seems like they have been thus far), I’m well past the halfway mark. Honestly, at this point, as long as I get them off before the end of 2018, I don’t care if I’m not exactly on track to finish right at 18 months. (I shouldn’t say that too loudly.) I keep thinking “this time next year, I won’t have braces,” which always makes me happy.
When I wrote my first post after one month with braces, I said that I would put together a small series of posts about my journey with braces as an adult. I’m not sharing monthly updates, full details about what I’m getting fixed, or lots of before/after shots. But I am writing updates every few months or so, discussing what this process is really like as an adult.
In that first post, I talked about why I need braces and why I decided to get braces in early 2017 after putting it off since HS. In short, I finally took the leap because I need a night guard for teeth grinding/clenching and can’t imagine wearing one with the way my teeth fit prior to braces. I’ve also finally reached a stage in my life where time, finances, and general life circumstances (i.e. no upcoming plans for a move) allow for braces, so I went for it.
Braces as an Adult: Month 13 Read More »