Printable cactus nursery decor is the perfect finishing touch for your new baby boy or baby girl’s cactus-themed or Southwest-themed nursery.
I’ve created a full set of initial alphabet watercolor decor cactus designs as well as a selection of accompanying watercolor decor cactus designs to complete your kid’s bedroom. The whimsical watercolor images feature a variety of vivid cacti, some with blooms and some without blooms. Cactus decor is simple and fun, making it an ideal gender-neutral nursery choice for a little boy or a little girl.
All of the printable cactus nursery decor pieces feature plain white backgrounds. You’ll have no problem finding colorful or neutral frames with or without mats that look great with your new decor.
Free printable cactus nursery decor makes it easy and affordable to finish decorating your baby’s nursery quickly on a tight budget. Nursery decor also makes a perfect shower gift for moms-to-be! Complete the new art with a picture frame for simple gift-giving.
About the free printable cactus nursery decor
The printable cactus nursery wall art is for personal use only. Feel free to make as many prints as you like for yourself or to give as gifts. You are not authorized to sell the prints or use them for other commercial purposes. You are also not authorized to distribute the download files. If friends or family are interested in their own cactus nursery decor, please direct them to this post. Thank you!
Please note that the preview images of the cactus decor in this post are low-resolution and not formatted for 8×10 printing. Please use the download links to get the high-resolution 8×10 images.
Alphabet watercolor cactus decor
There is one 8×10 print for each letter of the alphabet.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H |I | J |K | L | M | N |O |P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Watercolor cactus decor
I’ve created a selection of additional watercolor cactus nursery decor pieces. They make a perfect complement to the watercolor initials and look great on their own.
Watercolor cactus set #1
Printing the free printable cactus nursery decor
You can print your own cactus nursery decor wall art or send it to a printer. My top pick for high-quality home printing is Finestra Art Paper, which produces a crisp, vibrant finish. It’s worth spending a little more on good paper to get professional-quality wall decor.
You can also send your new cactus nursery decor to the printer of your choosing. I use SmugMug for the vast majority of my photos and wall art and am always satisfied with the prices and quality. Don’t feel limited to this option. There are many high-quality affordable printing services, such as FedEx, Costco, Shutterfly, Mpix, and Artifact Uprising.
Grab a frame or set of frames for your new nursery decor! My personal favorite frames are the Belmont line from Michaels. I own several dozen of these frames and couldn’t be happier with the quality and aesthetic. Michaels runs sales on Belmont frames all the time. I’m also linking a few of my top frame picks from Amazon.
I have a few more free printable nursery art collections linked below. I’ll be making more collections in the coming months! If there’s anything you’d like to see here, please let me know.
[Disclaimer: There are a few affiliate links in this post. Thanks for your support!]
Are you using one or more of the free printable cactus nursery decor designs?
I want to see your wall art! Tag your images #RoseClearfield on Instagram or Twitter or post a photo to my Facebook page.
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More free printable nursery decor:
Visit the free printables section of the blog for lots of other wall art collections.